DRAFT Launceston Public Art Strategy
Launceston is increasingly recognised for its vibrant arts and cultural activities.
Public art is one way that we capture imagination, recognise landmarks, start conversations, and express creativity, creating art that is a source of pride and accessible to all. We are excited to evolve our contribution to art in public spaces through the development of a Public Art Strategy for the City.
Following a period of public consultation we have developed a DRAFT Public Art Strategy and now want to hear what our community thinks!
This consultation gives you the opportunity to provide your ideas/feedback directly onto the document below as you go. We look forward to seeing what you have to say!
Please note: As you make your comments on the document it will populate a yellow bubble. When you move away from that page your comments will be hidden. Don't worry, they are not being removed - we can still see them.
A pdf is also available on the Public Art Strategy project page Launceston Public Art Strategy | Your Voice Your Launceston and comments can be emailed to community.engagement@launceston.tas.gov.au