Draft Launceston Urban Greening Strategy 2023-2040
This strategy puts forward principles and themes that will guide the long-term planning, development and management of the City of Launceston’s Urban Greening. It also outlines a set of targets to evaluate the success of implementation.
The Urban Greening Strategy, vision and targets cannot be delivered by Council alone on public lands. Implementation of actions to green our city will require a community-wide approach, with participation from organisations, businesses, and individuals, and will encourage the greening of private land. Your input into this draft strategy is a great first step.
Browse through the strategy and have your say. You can place pins and comments directly on the document. We look forward to hearing what you think!
Please note: As you make your comments on the document it will populate a yellow bubble. When you move away from that page your comments will be hidden. Don't worry, they are not being removed - we can still see them.
Consultation closed Friday 31 March 2023.